A CyberStore web service for Return operations. Introduced in 2023.1
Method | AddItemsToReturn Add multiple lines to a Return by Item_ID, Stock Code or Alternative Part Number. |
Method | AddItemToReturn Adds a new line to a Return by Item_ID. |
Method | AddItemToReturnByPartNumber Adds a new line to a Return by part number. |
Method | AddItemToReturnByStockCode Adds a new line to a Return by stock code. |
Method | ClearReturn Clears all lines in the shopper's pending Return. |
Method | DeleteReturnLine Deletes an existing line in a pending Return. |
Method | GetCustomerReturns Query for retrieving a list of returns on the Shopper's customer account of context, or a list filtered by available Options. |
Method | GetCustomerReturnsByAlternateKey Query for retrieving a list of returns on the Shopper's customer account of context by Alternate Key. |
Method | GetCustomerReturnsByDateRange Query for retrieving a list of returns on the Shopper's customer account of context by date range. |
Method | GetCustomerReturnsByOrderType Query for retrieving a list of returns on the Shopper's customer account of context by Order Type. |
Method | GetCustomerReturnsByRMANumber Query for retrieving a list of returns on the Shopper's customer account of context by RMA Number. |
Method | GetCustomerReturnsByStockCode Query for retrieving a list of returns on the Shopper's customer account of context by searching by Stock Code in a line. |
Method | GetCustomerReturnsByUserDefinedField Query for retrieving a list of returns on the Shopper's customer account of context by User Defined Field. |
Method | GetPendingReturn Retrieves the pending Return. |
Method | GetProblemCodes Gets all problem codes for the current context. |
Method | GetReturnDetailView Query for returning the contents of a specified return for the customer of context as an HTML string. |
Method | PostReturn Posts the pending return as an RMA. |
Method | SaveReturnAddress Saves the supplied address data to the pending Return. |
Method | SaveReturnOptions Saves the option data fields to the pending Return. |
Method | UpdateReturnLine Updates an existing line in a pending Return. |